Who we are
Fairlie Poplar Associates was formed in 1998 to exploit a market inefficiency. We traded the inefficiency until the trade was no longer producing abnormal returns (2003). We trade based on academic research completed by us and others. Until we find the next tradable inefficiency, our current strategy most closely resembles a buy and hold fundamental analysis strategy.
We recognize that the vast majority of investors would be better off not using a financial advisor. After adjusting for our fees, you would produce higher returns on your own. If you are going to use an advisor, ask to pay an hourly rate. In our case, we ask that you index the majority of your funds. We will assist you in doing this for a one-time fee. If your wealth is sufficient, then you may benefit from ongoing management of small portion (always less than 20%) of your investable funds.
Our fees are similar to most fund managers. Contact us for more information.
We recognize that the vast majority of investors would be better off not using a financial advisor. After adjusting for our fees, you would produce higher returns on your own. If you are going to use an advisor, ask to pay an hourly rate. In our case, we ask that you index the majority of your funds. We will assist you in doing this for a one-time fee. If your wealth is sufficient, then you may benefit from ongoing management of small portion (always less than 20%) of your investable funds.
Our fees are similar to most fund managers. Contact us for more information.
Our Managing Member

Charles Hodges received his PHD from Florida State University in 1993. He is currently a Professor of Finance at University of West Georgia, Adjunct Professor of Finance at Georgia State University, Course Coordinator for Georgia WEBMBA in the area of Finance, and Director of the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law-University of West Georgia Finance Transfer Program. He has won numerous research and teaching awards, published over 25 peer-reviewed articles, consulted extensively in the retail and restaurant industries, and currently teaches in China each Summer. He teaches primarily in the area of Corporate Finance. His research focuses on asymmetric information, long-run investing, and mutual funds.